XclusionPro BVG
Bathroom Vent Bird Guard

The Problem
Bathroom vents are a way to help remove moisture from the bathroom by way of a fan and flexible duct venting to the outside of the home. The opening on the outside of the home is susceptible to birds who are looking for a safe place to nest. Once they begin their nesting, it can be a mess of smells, feces, noises, and possible mites.

The Solution
XclusionPro Bathroom Vent Guards are made to cover most standard bathroom vents. These vent covers are effective against birds and other small rodents that may find refuge in a bathroom vent. It protects your wallet from the cost of damages and helps you have peace of mind, knowing your home is safe from unwanted wildlife entry.

XclusionPro BVG Protects Against:
What You Need to Know
With its unmatched durability and strength, along with its ability to exclude a wide variety of animals & insects, the XclusionPro BVG is the leading bathroom vent bird guard in the industry.

Signs You Might Need XclusionPro BVG

Protect Your Bathroom Vents from Pest Entry with XclusionPro BVG
Prevent wildlife and other pests from getting into your home. Check out the video below to see how.
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