Insects in your house?
Why do bugs like wasps, boxelder bugs and stinkbugs enter homes? Mostly for a warm, safe place to nest or hide. Many of the large stinging insects use wood to build their nests as well, so your attic offers plenty of material for them. Ridge vents and attic vents provide easy access for these unpleasant creatures to enter a home. Once inside, it can lead to an infestation, or an aggressive hive being a problem. Bugs make people uncomfortable. They are creepy crawly and seem to sneak up on you when you aren’t expecting it!

How to remove insects from your home?
If you have discovered insects in your attic or home, the most effective way to remove them is to call a professional Wildlife Control Operator who is trained and licensed for this type of work. We have a number of qualified companies that we can refer you to for help. Or if you'd like, a simple internet search will work too!
Once you’ve decided which professional insect removal company to hire, they will give you a detailed plan on how to get rid of insects in the attic and seal the home to prevent future entry.
How does AAC Distributing help?
AAC Distributing, LLC offers products that can cover these vents with a galvannealed steel mesh that is small enough gauge to protect these spaces from large insect entry. Ridge-Guard®, XclusionPro XP Static Roof Vent Guard, XclusionPro XL Power Fan Vent Guard, and XclusionPro Bathroom Vent Guard are all efficient products to keep wasps, yellow jackets, stinkbugs, and boxelder bugs from entering the home. Kritter Cap PRO can help protect the corner posts on vinyl-sided homes from large stinging insects as well. Protecting your home and peace of mind from unwanted pests is exactly what all these products are designed for. If you are interested in having them installed, we would love to help you get in contact with certified installers in your area.